Image Wisely, a joint initiative of ACR, RSNA, ASRT and AAPM,
provides information to the medical community to promote safety in medical imaging.


This curated series from the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America highlights a selection of education exhibits dealing with radiation safety and patient dose.

“Will That X-Ray Harm My Unborn Child?” - A Meta-Analysis of Fetal Health Effects Indicates Very Low Risk to Fetus Following Occupational Exposure of Pregnant Interventional Physicians

Authors: J. Hihailovic, B. Schueler, J. Fiedler, G. Sturchio, P. Best, A. Cabalka, M. Guerrer, C. MacIntyre, K. Fetterly | July 09, 2024

Stay Calm and Don't Attract the Magnet: A Comprehensive Review of MRI Safety Precautions

Authors: S. Dogra, M. Keerthivasan, J. Fritz, I. Khodarahmi | June 17, 2024

Impact of a Selective Lens Dose Reduction Protocol in 3D Rotational Angiography on Eye Lens Radiation Exposure in Cerebral Angiography: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors: J. Ryu, J. Yoon, B. Kim, M. Kim, E. Moon, P. Suh, Y. Roh, H. Moon, B. Kwon, D. Lee, Y. Song | June 10, 2024

Essentials of Theranostics: A Guide for Physicians and Medical Physicists

Authors: A. Mench, C. Winters, C. Meyer, D. Barbon, E. Mittra, G. Choudhary, S. Obrzut, N. Mallak | February 19, 2024

Enhancement of Safety Barriers in a Magnetic Resonance Unit: A Brazilian Experience

Authors: S. Sozza, P. Assis, L. Souza, F. Joaquim, B. Barra, J. Araujo-Filho, P. Lucio. G. Cerri | January 19, 2024

Photon-Counting CT Applications in Neuroradiology

Authors: FR Schwartz, M. Malinzak, PG Kranz, JC Ramirez-Giraldo, E. Samei, D. Marin, L. Leithe, DS Enterline, TJ Amrhein | December 18, 2023

Improve Reject Rates for Portable Chest Imaging Exams

Authors: A. Conley, K. Kozak, B. Travis, S. Donlon, K. Lopez, T. Lyda, K. Fenicchia, E. Panter, S. Cleary, B. Wandtke | November 17, 2023

Implementation of Ferrous-Free Dress Code for MRI Personnel - An MRI Safety Initiative

Authors: J. Johnson, A. Alazraki, G. Khanna | October 18, 2023

Implementation of Synthetic Mammography: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Pitfalls

Authors: L. Offit, S. Chikarmane, C. Giess | September 19, 2023

The Framework of a Robust, System-wide Magnetic Resonance Safety Program

Authors: R. Parker, A. Gray, D. Buer, B. Betz, Y, Zhou, E. Boote | August 18, 2023

The Puzzle Never Solved: Imaging of Abdominal Emergencies in Pregnancy, Still a Dilemma

Authors: A. Teodorescu, CG. Moldovanu, S. Barcan | July 12, 2023

Radiofrequency Safety in MR Imaging: What Are the Concerns?

Authors: Z. Zhang, Y. Lu, B. Zhang, Q. Peng | June 14, 2023

MRI Safety of Commonly Used Implants and Devices: What the Radiologist Needs to Know

Authors: V. Pai, SB Hiremath, A. Boutet, B. Wintersperger, B. Pai, D. Reynolds, P. Jabehdar Maralani | May 25, 2023

Safely Imaging Patients Implanted with MRI Conditional, Non-conditional, and Other Active Devices

Authors: M. Harwood, A. Kawashima, C. Wellnitz, M. Winkler, A. Panda | March 23, 2023

Simple and Cost-Free Strategies for Occupational Radiation Dose Reduction in 13N Ammonia Myocardial Perfusion PET

Authors: Y. Terakawa, E. Tateishi, A. Kotoku, H. Horinouchi, M. Fukuyama, T. Nishii, A. Imoto, Y. Ota, Y. Morita, K. Murakawa, T. Fukuda | February 23, 2023

Appropriate Imaging of the Pregnant Patient

Authors: S. Gandhi, R. Penna, B. Haas, L. Johnson, P. Raghu | January 17, 2023

Eye Lens Exposure Reduction Method During Head CT Scanning

Authors: M. Haga, S. Muramatsu, T. Kobayashi, N. Miura, Y. Tanaka, H. Moriya | October 20, 2022

Ultra-low-dose CT of the Chest Compared to Chest X-Ray in an Unfiltered Emergency Department Patient Cohort – A Prospective Interventional Cohort Study

Authors: C. Wassipaul, H. Domanovits, K. Janata-Schwatczek, D. Tamandl, H. Prosch, M. Scharitzer, R. Schernthaner, S. Polanec, T. Mang, U. Asenbaum, :P. Apfaltrer, F. Cacioppo, s. Schnaubelt, M. Weber, P. Homolka, W. Birkfellner, C. Herold, H. Ringl | August 16, 2022

New Horizons: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)

Authors: J. Goldberg, B. Reig, A. Lewin, Y. Gao, S. Heller, L. Moy | July 25, 2022

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